Look how shiny it is!

This is is my 9 month old Kenmore 22.3 cu. ft. Counter-Depth French Door Refrigerator in Stainless Steel. It’s so shiny!  Unfortunately, it doesn’t work anymore. Some seal broke so now it’s just looks pretty. And oh boy doesn’t it shine! It matches perfectly with my Kenmore stove, microwave; and dishwasher.

I do need to eat food though and quite often food has to be refrigerated and not held in a shiny room temperature box so I called for repair. Originally they told me I would have to wait 2 weeks for someone to come fix it. I told them I would probably be tired of eating spaghetti by then. The nice lady put me on hold and said they could send someone today. The even nicer gentlemen came today and tried to fix it. He told me the part he needed wouldn’t come in until October 7th. That’s a lot of spaghetti!  He told me that my lovely refrigerator was ‘a piece of shit’ and that I should sell it. How sad!  It’s so pretty!

Well fellow foodies, I decided to create this blog to share with everyone what they can eat when they too purchase a Kenmore Refrigerator. Being the foodie that I am I can’t wait to share. Please share with your friends!


Looks great it black and white!  Thanks #VSCO

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